Dab Cat
I lucked out and Henry was in the mood for photos. He had his cool Dab Cat shirt on when I picked him up from school, so I used that as a selling point: “Dude, let’s take a couple of photos of you in your cool Dab Cat shirt.” “OK,” and there we were.
This one might be my favorite out of the seven or eight I took. The rest are in the Leica M8 Test gallery wherein I also included some flower photos. I really like the color rendering on the Leica M8, even without the IR cut filter. That said, I will probably pick one of those up to see what kind of difference it makes. His shirt looks a bit purple, when I see it as black, so this is likely a consequence of not using the filter. Here, it doesn’t bother me.
Leica M8 Test
A few shots to test out the new Leica M8.